S-JIFFYDOS 1541 is a patch for JIFFYDOS 1541. You must burn it into
an eprom. See more informations at the instructions or download the diskimage,
which contains the instuctions, too; in English and German lamguage.
SJD-1541 instructions (16kB)
S-JIFFYDOS-1541 diskimage .d64 (171kB)
S-JIFFYDOS-1541 diskimage .zip (63kB)
SJD64 and SJD41 are absolutely independant. You can use a JD-C64 and a SJD-1541 in any constellation you want.
While analysing JIFFYDOS C64 I found some zeropage locations:
JIFFYDOS zeropage locations (4kB)
Here are my analysis of the JIFFYDOS IEC bus routines:
general information of my analysis (3kB)
LISTEN and TALK (13kB)
JIFFYDOS-timing for paper-sheets for 9- or 24-pin-printers (31kB)
Email64 is an email-program for the unexpanded C64. It supports most
Email64 instructions (2kB)
Email64 diskimage .d64 (171kB)
Email64 diskimage .zip (87kB)
Email64 sourcecode 1581-diskimage .d81 (800kB)
!!switches 1581 to devicenumber 8 because HypraAss works with
devicenumber 8 only!! (German comments)
Email64 sourcecode 1581-diskimage .zip (278kB)
IEC2IEEE is a very easy Atmel microcontroller circuit for about
15 $/Euros. It connects the serial IEC-bus of the C64 with the parallel
IEEE-bus of old CBM-devices like f.e. a SFD-1001.
IEC2IEEE instructions (3kB)
IEC2IEEE circuit-plan (12kB)
IEC2IEEE sourcecode (for AVR-Studio 4 (rename to *.asm)) (150kB)
IEC2IEEE sourcecode .zip (34kB)
IEC2IEEE diskimage .d64 (171kB)
IEC2IEEE diskimage .zip (83kB)
Picture: IEC2IEEE on a desk (640*480) ( 83kB)
Picture: IEC2IEEE on a desk (1024*768) ( 183kB)
Picture: IEC2IEEE on a desk (2048*1526) ( 822kB)
Picture: IEC2IEEE circuit (640*480) ( 139kB)
Picture: IEC2IEEE circuit (1024*768) ( 309kB)
Picture: IEC2IEEE circuit (2048*1526) ( 831kB)
X-Cable-tester is a simple program which tests X-, XE-, XM- and XA-cables from
C64 to IBM-PC. Runs under Q-Basic in DOS-mode.
X-Cable Tester (6kB)
I also made some little tools: A program, that:
- copies D64 files from 3.5"- and 5.25"-IBM disks to 1541 disks (very slow).
- checks the files on a 1541 disk.
- reads the DOS from a floppy within two minutes.
- re-news a 1581 disk after the new command without ID.
- reads and writes the floppy ram.
- shows the internal function of the PLA chip
- checks the sum of blocks on a disk.
- deletes a whole 1541 disk.
- reads the backside of a 1541 disk in a 1571 without flipping the disk.
- drivers for Novaterm 9.6 for userport-adapters without inverter-chip (2400 &
9600 baud)
- displays whethter there is an old or a new CIA in the C64
- generates JiffyDOS and S-JiffyDOS files for an emulator (f.e. VICE)
!!! a JiffyDOS EPROM must be in your C64 and 1541 !!!
Download these tools here:
Tools diskimage.d64 (171kB)
Tools diskimage.zip (25kB)
The German consumer magazine 'Stiftung Warentest' tested homecomputers in
1984. Here is the article in German language (2 DM were about 1 $/Euro).
Page 1 (625kB)
Page 2 (882kB)
Page 3 (892kB)
Page 4 (898kB)
Page 5 (976kB)
Page 6 (890kB)
Page 7 (1004kB)
Page 8 (649kB)
Page 9 (648kB)
Page 10 (695kB)
My links:
Nicholas Coplin 64HDD, a very good serial device emulator on IBM-PCs
for the C64.
Willcox A file-reader and more.
Wolfgang Moser An IBM-PC program, that reads and writes 1581 disks
in a PC drive.
GO64! A very good C64 magazine in German language.
Funet Much C64 information.
Stiftung Warentest A very good German consumer magazine which allows me
to publish the homecomputer test of 1984.
Near Letter Quantity
Jochen Adler
Haeldestr. 9
D-74912 Kirchardt
Tel.: +49 7266 911292
E-Mail: NLQ@gmx.de
Internet: www.nlq.de
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